Business Coaches
“Over the last two years, I have had the privilege and amazing good fortune to witness and experience Stuart’s skills as a presenter, elite coach and hypnotherapist. Beginning with various New Zealand workshops for competitive athletes and business audiences, Stuart’s expert knowledge and entertaining delivery left their mark on everyone he touched.
Based on those early experiences, I have been a monthly business client of Stuart’s for well over a year, with exceptional results. By my own reckoning, my business has grown approximately 50% in the last year, but more importantly, my appreciation of life and the important people around me has grown infinitely.
While my own benefits from Stuart’s services have been memorable, nothing quite compares to witnessing your sons (15 and 10 years old at the time), with courage and confidence, break a pine board with their bare hands in front of a crowd of their peers. So many thanks go to Stuart for giving my family that experience.”
Go well and Kia Kaha from New Zealand!
Christopher Miller